Reviews from Parents and Choristers

“I was impressed and moved by the Senior choir’s performance on Saturday. I’m just so grateful that Emma has had the musical training Ms. DiMarino gives the choir. The choir sounded superb! And the four pieces were beautifully chosen – the program had shape and depth and fun in it. The choristers were so focused and expressive. They love singing for Ms DiMarino because she gives them so much genuine care and happy energy. But they also love the challenge of learning great music and singing it to an excellent standard. I think it is so good for kids to be challenged to achieve mastery. A big thank you to you, Liz, and Caroline for leading the choir to their lovely performance on the weekend”

– Parent of chorister


“Thank you so much for welcoming me so warmly to the choir last year. It was a terrific year and I’m so glad to have been a part of the Westside Senior Concert Choir. Sadly, I felt that I could not give the choir the commitment that it deserves and did not feel that I would be a good member due to my hectic schedule this school year. I know I will dearly miss everyone, as well as the wonderful choral music. Thank you again for your hard work and dedication to us as choristers.”

– Grade 12 chorister


“I just want to say how much I appreciate Liz DiMarino’s gorgeous attention to text in her work with the choir. Phrasing with words foremost in mind raises the music making to another level. I so appreciate that my girls are learning this in their choir experience!
Thank her for me.”

– Parent of choristers


“The Junior Choir’s performance this morning was amazing! Thank you to all of you who give your time! It was beautiful to hear the children sing. “

– Parents of chorister


“What a fantastic experience for these kids. I really enjoyed attending the workshop. Oh to be a kid again!! Thank you all for everything you do.”

– Parent of chorister


“The Thursday evenings I’ve spent in the Scarboro Church gymnasium have taught me more than any classroom.  I have learned many choral skills that I have been able to carry throughout my life, as well as lessons about commitment, trust, and teamwork.”  

– Claire O’Gorman, chorister for 7 years


“Parents of young choristers regularly attend rehearsals and marvel at the wonderful sound their children produce.  Their respect and admiration are evident.  The comfortable chatter between children and parents that can be overheard at the end of rehearsals is evidence of the enhanced parent-child interactions that are a byproduct of their involvement in the program.”

– Gail Danysk, B.Ed., Graduate Diploma, M.Ed


“What keeps them coming back, week after week and year after year?  Perhaps it is the frequent, spontaneous and beautiful musical moments that inspire the children to consistently deliver their best.  I know that’s what compels me to attend every Thursday.  You can count on beautiful music and happy kids humming all the way home!”  

– Laureen Little, parent of three choristers in the Westside Concert Choir


“Even though I loved music, there was really no place in my world where I could explore this love until I joined the choir.  And what joy it was to be in the choir; just to fully immerse myself in music for a short while every Thursday.”  

– Solomon Ip, chorister for 9 years


“I’ll keep coming to choir until I’m not allowed to anymore.”  

– Erin Biberdorf, chorister for many years


“I remember how excited I was when I was finally able to join after Christmas in second grade.  I remember how I always looked up to the older girls and wished I could be one of them someday.”

– Amy Novak, chorister for 7 years