
Westside Concert Choir Winter Workshop

The date of the February WORKSHOP for both Juniors and Seniors has been confirmed:
Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Location: Scarboro United Church
In order to maintain our high standard of excellence, it is important that members
                attend the whole WORKSHOP.
Please provide your child with a bag lunch and water to drink.  Donuts will be available at breaks
in the rehearsal.  If you do not want your child to have a donut, please provide him/her with a suitable
Please contact Jean Czaja by email or phone if you have any questions or concerns.


Congratulations Heather

Congratulations go out to Westside Concert Choir’s choral director, Heather Nail, who was recently applauded and advertised on the Alberta Orff Canada, Alberta Chapter, Music for Children site.  She has been invited to teach a choral workshop for them on February  1, 2024.

We are so very proud of her work with The Westside Concert Choir, and,  it is clear that she is recognized well beyond our domain.    Below are the glowing remarks that invite choral music directors throughout the province to attend her workshop.

Say hello to this ray of sunshine: Heather Nail!

We are so excited to welcome Heather back to Edmonton for our February 1 workshop, Sing Say Move Play- Bring the Joy Everyday!

If you haven’t experienced the magic that is Heather before, be prepared for a workshop full of whimsical, fun, and top-notch activities that are sure to engage your students. She comes with years of musical experience and is also currently serving as the President of Carl Orff Canada.

Can’t wait until February? You can get some musical snippets and ideas from her Instagram account: @mrs_nail_music . Give her a follow! 


Westside Concert Choirs Choristers to perform at the Annual Calgary Carol Festival

The Westside Concert Choirs – both Junior and Senior- will perform at the 46th Annual Calgary Carol Festival.

Sunday December 1st at Knox United 506 – 4 St. SW.

Choristers should arrive at 6:30 and proceed to the gym for warm up.

Juniors will perform at 7:00PM and Seniors at 7:10.

Congratulations, Elizabeth DiMarino, director of WCC Senior Division!

We are very excited to announce that Elizabeth DiMarino, director of Westside Concert Choir, Senior Division,  received the 2024 YYCMA’s Music Educator of the Year Award.  This award recognizes music educators (kindergarten through college, public and private schools or community ensembles) who have made a significant and lasting contribution to the field of music education and who demonstrate a commitment to improving music education in the schools and the Calgary community at large.This is indeed a huge honour, and so well deserved.  We are so proud of her and the work that she does with our choristers.  She is indeed an amazing young woman!